When the climb ahead is tough, we can give you a BOOST!

Have you tried other review courses and met with frustration and inefficiency? Or are you studying to take your first exam? Our CPA Review materials are specifically designed to condense and synthesize the materials in order to streamline your learning in the most efficient and effective manner. This gives you the advantage of spending your time actively learning the material instead of wading through large and overwhelming volumes of content. Our books and accompanying videos also connect the materials in a systematic and targeted approach so that you BOOST your learning, BOOST your confidence, and BOOST your score. In fact, over the past year, BOOST CPA REVIEW Audit students have averaged an 80.4% pass rate!

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What sets BOOST apart     

  • BOOST is a stand-alone program in that you will use the BOOST books and videos exclusively for preparation for the CPA Exam (yes, you can ignore all other books and videos). BOOST is a complete and thorough learning system, not an add-on. However, you will need to have access to question banks for multiple choice and simulations from another source.

  • Book outlines and online videos that clearly indicate the key concepts critical to passing the CPA exam

  • Online videos that actually teach you the material rather than telling you to underline sentences and/or place terms in the margin

  • Online videos that progress through the material at a reasonable pace rather than rushing through the material in a haphazard manner

  • Book outlines for audit that follow the logical sequence of an audit and relate the current topic to previous topics (rather than topics presented in a random fashion where you cannot understand how the topics relate to each other and/or are different from each other)

  • Online videos for financial that work through actual problems showing you how to solve the problem in an organized and logical manger (especially for the more complex topics such as deferred income taxes, etc.)

  • Online videos that match up with the book outlines one-for-one so you’re never left guessing

Student Testimonials

“I just got my FAR results back and I passed with a 90! I can’t thank you and the BOOST program enough, it was extremely helpful especially for FAR. As I’m moving on to BEC now with [another review course], it further illustrates what I loved about the BOOST program - great concise lectures and finding out what is important to know in each section. Thank you again, the BOOST program is tremendous!”

The following student failed Audit twice using another national CPA Review Course. After studying using the BOOST CPA Review book and online videos for two months (while working full-time), this student passed Audit with an 88%:

“In the BOOST lectures, Tom took time to explain each and every concept that was pertinent not only to the exam but also an overall understanding of concepts crucial to audit as a whole. Additionally, he gave extensive examples in order to better illustrate and explain these concepts. He also not only discussed the current topic but frequently related it back to other topics we had covered previously (or would be covering in the future) which tremendously helped me to develop a holistic understanding of the material. Tom often jokes throughout the lectures about being repetitive but it really works and helps to truly cement the concepts. [Another CPA Review] just flies through the material once at a pretty high level and when I used [another review course’s] lectures I frequently was having to pause and rewind the lectures to catch things or even just try to make sense of what they said. Whereas with the BOOST lectures, just as I was getting ready to pause the lecture, Tom would repeat it again, often with even more detail than before.”